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Erotic Furry Artist

Hey! I'm Blush, I work exclusively in the furry art world making art ranging from cute and soft to the most depraved and delightfully perverted

Find me here!

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See my work early and help keep me alive for as little as 1$
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Interested in a commission?

I work very very closely with my commissioners. I send updates at every step and will work with you to bring your idea to life. Commissioner's can expect updates in the initial sketch, rough draft, line work, flats and full color.I allow for multiple payment installments for commissions exceeding 200$, if you want to order a commission but need to spread it out over payments for your own financial need, that's no problem!Above is a link to a full breakdown of example works and what they were charged so that you know exactly how much your commission is likely to cost. I will always provide you a full quote at the time you are added to my que.To get started please message me directly via Twitter DM, Patreon or Discord!

Frequent Questions

What are your prices?

Check out my Commission Info button below to see what I offer and price ranges for each!

What will and wont you draw?

You can find a full disclaimer document in think link below however,

-I'll draw any character, however of course I prefer drawing furry characters exclusively.-I'm open to drawing most kinks.-Kinks I explicitly WILL NOT DRAW, those can be found on the disclaimer document.-If a character you want drawn belongs to someone else, I require that persons explicit consent

Listed prices may change based on commission complexity/added characters/ alternate versions.
Additional Charges include: Complex Backgrounds, Additional Characters, Alternate clothing, Cum/No Cum
All commissions will be delivered as high fidelity PDF files, PSD with layer data and TIFF versions are available on request

Basic Illustration
Starting at - 200

Simplified style with a faster turn-aroundSimple Shading/ BackgroundFull Color with less lineworkGenerally the best option for a solo characterWill design character from text descriptions

Full Illustration
Starting at - 300

Usually 1-3 weeks from sketch to finishComplex outfits/ composition/ lighting and lineworkAdditional Characters: 100-150$Panel Cut-In: 50$Alt Versions: 30-60$

Based on complexity: 30 for simple alts like cum, 60 for outfit changes

If my own character is the additional then it is only 50$

Advanced Illustration
Starting at - 400

Full Render Illustration's with complex or detailed backgroundFull linework/ Lighting and detailMultiple CharactersPanel Cut-In: 50$Alt Versions: 30-60$

Based on complexity: 30 for simple alts like cum, 60 for outfit changes